Coursera – IBM Data Science Professional Certificate (9 Courses) 2020-5

Coursera – IBM Data Science Professional Certificate (9 Courses) 2020-5


The IBM Data Science Professional Certificate is a training package on data science. Data Science is currently one of the most popular professions and its job market has expanded a lot in recent years. This training package, offered by IBM, is intended for individuals seeking to gain skills and experience in data science and machine learning. This set consists of 9 training courses to acquire the latest job skills and highly applied techniques in data science including open source tools and libraries, methodologies, Python, database, SQL, data visualization, data analysis. And machine learning. You will master all the mentioned skills by doing the practical exercises of the IBM Data Science Professional Certificate training set.

Items that are taught in this course

Build and access cloud databases

Write basic SQL statements

Filter, sort and group results, use internal functions and access multiple tables

Access the database via Jupyter by Python working with real data

Course information

Publisher: Coursera

University: IBM

Teachers: Joseph Santarcangelo, Alex Aklson, Rav Ahuja, SAEED AGHABOZORGI, Polong Lin

Elementary level

Number of courses: 9 courses

English language

Courses offered within the collection

1. What is Data Science?

2. Tools for Data Science

3. Data Science Methodology

4. Python for Data Science and AI

5. Databases and SQL for Data Science

6. Data Analysis with Python

7. Data Visualization with Python

8. Machine Learning with Python

9. Applied Data Science Capstone


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Subtitle: English and.

Quality: 720p

This training includes 9 separate courses.


Coursera – IBM Data Science Professional Certificate (9 Courses) 2020-5

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