Udemy – The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced 2018-4

Udemy – The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced 2018-4


The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced is one of the good Angular training courses that practically teaches how to build a commercial web application using Angular, Firebase and Bootstrap 4. Angular is one of the most popular platforms for building web applications using HTML, CSS and typewriting. This platform is used in most large projects today, so if you want to become a good front-end or full-stack programmer, Angular learning is essential.

The instructor of this course is Mr. Moshfeq Hamedani, who has provided good training in the field of web (for example, the comprehensive Angular 4 training course). At the end of this course you will learn how to build a complete program using Angular, debug common compile errors and runtime, write clean and manageable code, use standard Angular techniques and professions. No need to spend time on scattered YouTube clips or other online tutorials. Download this course and learn zero to one hundred angular in principle.

In the above training course, you will become fully acquainted with how to display and handle events. You will learn how to build reusable components well. Manage DOM objects using directives; Using pipes, you format the data. Learn how to make reactive and pattern-based forms. Learn how to use HTTP services; You will learn how to handle HTTP errors correctly; You will learn how to implement the authentication mechanism using json tokens (the same as JWT), and finally how to distribute the program on GatHub, Firebase, and Heroku. If you are an ASP.NET programmer and you want to build advanced applications using Angular in Visual Studio environment, it is not bad to take a look at the training course for building applications using Angular 2 and ASP.NET.

The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced

English language

Duration: 29 hours

Number of lessons: 376

Instructor: Mosh Hamedani

Ability to play on: Windows, mobile, TV

The content of The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced

Fixes common bugs in Angular

Learn to write clean codes like professionals

Build real applications with Angular

Provide training exercises

Complete list of educational topics and titles

Course content 376 lectures 29:33:30

Introduction 11 lectures 32:35

TypeScript Fundamentals 18 lectures 01:00:48

Angular Fundamentals 9 lectures 38:14

Displaying Data and Handling Events 12 lectures 44:26

Building Re-usable Components 12 lectures 49:44

Directives 12 lectures 49:02

Template-driven Forms 15 lectures 46:10

Reactive Forms 14 lectures 01:01:30

Consuming HTTP Services 21 lectures 01:41:47

Routing and Navigation 13 lectures 53:59

Authentication and Authorization 15 lectures 01:05:00

Deployment 16 lectures 01:06:23

Building Real-time Server-less Apps with Firebase 16 lectures 56:47

Animations 23 lectures 01:35:58

Angular Material 2 25 lectures 02:11:36

Redux 14 lectures 01:17:37

Unit Testing 14 lectures 01:00:11

Integration Testing 14 lectures 01:11:33

Project: Getting Started 11 lectures 43:19

Project: Authentication and Authorization 13 lectures 01:16:04

Project: Product Management Module 19 lectures 01:42:18

Project: Product Catalog Module 10 lectures 47:51

Project: Shopping Cart Module 22 lectures 02:17:01

Project: Check Out Module 14 lectures 51:09

Project: Modularization and Final Improvements 13 lectures 01:00:49

Requirements The Complete Angular Course

Basic familiarity with HTML, CSS and JavaScript NO knowledge of Angular 1 or Angular 2 is required


After Extract with the player you want to see.

Another name for this tutorial is Angular 4: Beginner to Pro.

This tutorial has English subtitles.

The quality of the videos is 720p.

This version has not changed much compared to the previous version (2017/9). Only subtitles added. If you have the previous version, you do not need to download this version. Most of Mosh Hamedani's teachings have little change.


Udemy – The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced 2018-4

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