Udemy – Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru 2020-6/2020-11

Udemy – Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru 2020-6/2020-11


Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru is a course that helps you master the Spring Boot microservices and learn how to build them with Spring Cloud and Docker. Micro-services are now widely used in the IT industry and require more than just the RESTFul API. In this course you will learn that microservices are a type of architectural style that allows companies to achieve large scale while being flexible.

This course covers a wide range of topics, some of which include: developing RESTful services with Spring MVC, using Project Lombok and MapStruct, using Spring Data JPA with Hibernate, configuring Spring Boot for MySQL and H2 , Use and configure Jackson to process JSON with Spring Boot, validate data with Hibernate Validator, document and test Spring Boot microservices, use Awaitily, and more.

Items that are taught in this course

Build a micro service with the help of Spring Boot

Distribution and management of Spring Boot micro-services with the help of Spring Cloud

Build RESTFul API with Spring MVC

Run the RESTFul API using Spring RestTemplate

Use Project Lombok and MapStruct

Use Spring Data JPA with Hibernate

Spring Boot configuration for MySQL and H2

Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru

English language

Duration: 38 hours and 18 minutes

Number of courses: 346

Level of education: Intermediate

Instructor: John Thompson

File format: mp4


346 lectures 38:18:30

Spring Boot Microservices Introduction 7 lectures 30:18

Introduction to Microservices 8 lectures 52:23

Introduction to Restful Web Services 7 lectures 33:40

Spring MVC Rest Services 22 lectures 02:23:32

Spring Boot RestTemplate 16 lectures 01:36:42

Spring MVC Validation 11 lectures 46:40

Project Lombok and MapStruct 14 lectures 01:10:34

Spring MVC REST Docs 16 lectures 01:18:37

Processing JSON with Spring Boot 16 lectures 01:21:56

Deconstructing the Monolith 21 lectures 02:04:56

Enterprise Dependency Management 16 lectures 01:33:00

Local MySQL Configuration 15 lectures 01:25:51

JMS Messaging 14 lectures 01:31:33

JMS Messaging Between Microservices 14 lectures 01:09:15

Spring State Machine 18 lectures 01:37:26

Using Sagas with Spring 17 lectures 01:49:43

Integration Testing of Sagas 9 lectures 01:46:19

Compensating Transactions with Sagas 8 lectures 37:05

Spring Cloud Gateway 8 lectures 01:00:17

Service Registration with Eureka 4 lectures 17:36

Service Discovery with Eureka 3 lectures 21:27

Circuit Breaker Pattern 5 lectures 25:54

Spring Cloud Config 6 lectures 45:59

Distributed Tracing 6 lectures 35:08

Securing Spring Cloud 10 lectures 01:16:56

Building Docker Images with Maven 11 lectures 01:17:05

Docker Compose 8 lectures 42:01

Consolidated Logging with ELK Stack 7 lectures 28:01

Deploying with Docker Swarm 28 lectures 02:18:05

Appendix A: Using GitHub 1 lecture 00:31

Prerequisite for Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru

Must know Java and Spring Framework

Basic Docker Skills

SQL Skills – MySQL is used in course

Linux skills helpful


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English subtitle

Quality: 720p

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Version 2020/11 has not changed or updated compared to 2020/6.


Udemy – Spring Boot Microservices with Spring Cloud Beginner to Guru 2020-6/2020-11

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